
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ok, so welcome to 2012... and by my calculations we're ready 1/8 of the way through the year.... scary stuff!!!

Actually I'm kinda glad to be in 2012... there's something so much cooler about 2012 over 2011... don't you think?? maybe it's cause "12" is an even number... and really let's face it, sorry number 11, but it really is a pretty ugly, awkward number...

And plus it's going to be an AMAZING year... I can just feel it... well it's been pretty amazing so far... no guesses why eh?? :) lol.   But not only that, I'm finishing uni!! revisiting Canada!! starting my new job!!

In fact it's gonna be such an awesome year I wish it was over already so I could look back on it and know what all happens and how I cope with my whole life changing... yup, you guessed it, I'm a control freak... but in my defence I'm pretty sure 2012 is going to totally change my life on so many different levels...

So I guess I have to set some New Years here they are:

  1. survive the last 6 months of uni...
  2. have the awesomest practical experience ever at PMH!
  3. learn to love Canada to some degree... ;)
  4. be the awesomest new grad nurse ever!!
  5. try to not fall over so much
  6. try not to lose things so much (particularly my mobile, which is lost at the moment actually :( )
  7. try not to forget things
  8. try not to break too many rules
and I think that's pretty much it... so everyone I hope you have an amazing and exciting 2012 and that God surrounds us all with His love and care... for no matter what this year brings for any of us, it is guided by Him for our greater good!!