
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Freed from Sin

So... over the last few days I've been having fun on my amazing MacBook Pro, while I'm meant to be studying... and I've come up with this... 

This week I had to drive into uni 3 times!!, yes 3 times... and I was getting a bit sick of my music, yes I know I have a fairly extensive collection of music, but all the same, I just wasn't in the mood to listen to anymore... so since I have an intro coming up, I went on the internet and went to R.C. Sproul's page (a minister in America who I really enjoy listening to) and downloaded one of his six sermons on Romans 8 to listen to whilst I undertook the arduous trek to uni... 

It was entitled "Free from indwelling sin" and was a grand total of 45 minutes long, which I've managed to summarise to 5 minutes... what I really enjoy about it, is although it may seem laboriously repeating the same point over and over again... the point he is making is soooooooo important!! and something that I tend to brush over...  I continually fall into the trap of tricking myself that by my works I can somehow please God and earn salvation... eg. my mind tries to logically equate going to club, going to church and showing love to those around me with salvation... WHICH IS A LIE, a thought from the devil.... only by justification can we attain salvation, which is naturally followed by sanctification.... evidence of sanctification are not grounds for justification.... let me say that again, just to remind myself.... evidence of sanctification are not grounds for justification!!

anyways, here is my summary, I hope you enjoy it... and I really encourage you to listen and watch the WHOLE thing... since the point is crucial! 

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