
Monday, August 29, 2011

Our Father

One of the greatest privileges of being a Christian is to call the almighty Creator God of the Universe, Father

I was reading "The Practice of Godliness" (Jerry Bridges) and a particular sentence that struck me was : the "most serious sin today may be the flippant approach to God in our prayers" (p.22 for those who are interested)...

This really struck me, because a couple of weeks ago I was listening to a sermon in preparation for writing my intro and I came across the same thought...

We don't disparage the idea that we can use this close, affectionate term "Abba", or "Daddy" or "Father" for God.... however sometimes we may become so used to using these familiar, intimate terms that we may begin to use them in a childish or frivolous way.... Just because we now may call God "Father" does not give us the right to enter his presence presumptously or arrogantly. 

Extensive research has shown, that though there were hundreds of 'approved' names for God, the Jewish people abhorred the notion of calling God "Father" in their prayers. The first occurrence of a Jewish prayer, addressing God directly as "Father" was in the 10th century AD in Italy, and even then had a Christian influence....

One of the most radical ideas that Jesus claimed, was his special claim to have intimacy with the Father. (see John  10:30ff).. Over and over again Jesus referred to God as His Father.  This enraged the Pharisees. They took that to mean Jesus claimed to be equal with God. In every recorded prayer of Jesus in the NT, except one, Jesus calls God "Father". 

That is so common to us, that sometimes we read over it and miss it's significance. The radical nature of Jesus claim becomes lost to us. No Jewish person in Jesus day would have dared even thought of addressing God as "Father". But Jesus did it every time He prayed. 

And then when the disciples ask Him to teach them how to pray, Jesus says... When you pray, pray like this: "Our Father". 

The unique privilege that Jesus had... as the only person in the whole world to have the right to address the God of Heaven and Earth as "My Father".... He gave that to you and me, so that we can call God "Father" as well, because He adopted us into His Family.

Unbelievable Grace!! That we could have the privilege of calling God, "our Father". 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God is in control

Life for me mostly smoothly sails along.... okay, there's a few hiccups and challenges, but overall it's not too bad.... after all my basic needs are met with:
  1. fresh clean air
  2. fresh clean water available with the turning of a tap
  3. food in abundance (too much really :) )
  4. a roof over my head (365 days/year)
  5. clothes in my cupboard, and money to buy more if I need (or want)
and when I look around, not only are my basic needs met, but also almost all of my wants! And I sincerely thank and praise God for so many blessings!

However events in your life somehow sometimes throw curveballs at you... something challenges your perspective, your perceptions shift and things become clear...

and this is what is happening in my life at the moment.... the pain I have been experiencing (though relatively minor and certainly not on par with leukaemia sufferers or anything like that) has been difficult, debilitating and draining... especially while I have been trying to prepare myself for my mental health prac, complete assignments and regular uni work... and then I had to give up netball on Monday for it.... and that in itself was a real challenge... I mean, I loooovveee!!! netball... and that was the first time in a very long time that I have missed a game... :(

so to get to the point, why has the pain been so difficult? It's not because the pain has been so bad, or so intense or so terrible... no it's been difficult because I am so used to being well, healthy and pain-free.... to a cancer sufferer, my level of pain would be a pipe-dream, to me it brings frustration and agony....

Today when I was looking at my ultrasounds from yesterday and today, I felt momentary fear and tears even came to my eyes when I realised that in all probability something, however minor, could be wrong. The thought that something could threaten my health and wellbeing, had an immediate impact on my emotions, my happiness and my faith.

At the end of the day, this pain has taught me that no matter what I say and confess, somehow somewhere something inside of me puts its trust in me, in my health, in my ability to do things freely and without pain.... and it has pointed me to reaffirm my trust in God, that He knows what is best for me. He holds my life in His hands, He works for my good in all events in my life.

Whatever the doctor tells me on Friday afternoon, I don't have to worry. Whether it be nothing, just muscular pain, then I will be OK. Whether it be the most thing I could possibly ever imagine (which by the way, I strongly doubt it will be), then I will be OK as well. No matter what happens to me, I have two sure promises I can hold on to.

God is sovereign.

and He loves me.

Listen to the youtube link from Newsboys - In Christ Alone .... a song that gives me much comfort and peace.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Oh hey ok!! adrenalin pumping through my veins (or should I say arteries...??, since technically veins don't pump....)..... so it's time to write!!

And yippedeedooyaaahhh!! I've been accepted to PMH graduate program starting August 2012.... very excited at this point!! dream come true... now just to live through the rest of this semester and next, and then I'll be a full living breathing responsible registered nurse... which is kinda scary, especially when you're working with the kiddies.... but yay!! I'm ecstatic at the moment!! will leave the deep ponderous thoughts for later....

that's it for now.... I've got a couple of assignments to kill, which I'm suddenly feeling inspired for since the END IS IN SIGHT!! I have a guaranteed job (for 12 months anyways :) )..... WAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!



p.s. hope you are all having a fantastic day too :P

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Freed from Sin

So... over the last few days I've been having fun on my amazing MacBook Pro, while I'm meant to be studying... and I've come up with this... 

This week I had to drive into uni 3 times!!, yes 3 times... and I was getting a bit sick of my music, yes I know I have a fairly extensive collection of music, but all the same, I just wasn't in the mood to listen to anymore... so since I have an intro coming up, I went on the internet and went to R.C. Sproul's page (a minister in America who I really enjoy listening to) and downloaded one of his six sermons on Romans 8 to listen to whilst I undertook the arduous trek to uni... 

It was entitled "Free from indwelling sin" and was a grand total of 45 minutes long, which I've managed to summarise to 5 minutes... what I really enjoy about it, is although it may seem laboriously repeating the same point over and over again... the point he is making is soooooooo important!! and something that I tend to brush over...  I continually fall into the trap of tricking myself that by my works I can somehow please God and earn salvation... eg. my mind tries to logically equate going to club, going to church and showing love to those around me with salvation... WHICH IS A LIE, a thought from the devil.... only by justification can we attain salvation, which is naturally followed by sanctification.... evidence of sanctification are not grounds for justification.... let me say that again, just to remind myself.... evidence of sanctification are not grounds for justification!!

anyways, here is my summary, I hope you enjoy it... and I really encourage you to listen and watch the WHOLE thing... since the point is crucial! 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Widows and Orphans

So, I'm meant to be studying at the moment, but a verse I read last night in personal devotions got me musing again... so I thought I'd share....

Wikipedia states that religion "is a collection of cultural systems, belief systems and worldviews that establishes symbols that relate humanity to spirituality and moral values" - a definition that is widely accepted and adopted by the general public and probably by me if I really examine how I think about religion.

Somehow I don't like to think of myself as 'religious'... and why? Is that because I associate religion with strict dogma, people mindlessly following stringent doctrines and empty worship rituals? and if it is, then shame on me. For that is not how God defines religion. 

God, through James, tells us that religion  "that is pure and undefiled before God the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world" - James 1:27.

Notice something? Dogma, doctrine or worship rituals are NOT the definition of religion - God tells us that religion is dynamic, it's active, it lives inside of us - our religion is who we are, our thoughts, words and actions. Everybody, even unbelievers have a religion (their religion may be the furthering of ones-self)…. For God reminds us through James that religion is not confined to Sundays, limited to complex theological beliefs and discussions or a compartmentalised section in our lives devoted to spiritual matters… rather religion is a practical matter, it is what is in our hearts, in our minds, on our lips and in our actions…

but the definition of religion is not why I started this blog post... no what I wanted to bring out was James first qualification for pure and undefiled religion: "to visit orphans and widows in their affliction". 

Why does God put the emphasis on orphans and widows? 

The verse that originally caught my attention was in Exodus 22:22-24: You shall not mistreat any widow or fatherless child. If you do mistreat them, and they cry out to me, I will surely hear their cry, and my wrath will burn, and I will kill you with the sword, and your wives shall become widows and your children fatherless”.

It’s striking isn’t it? God’s emphasis on protecting the widow and orphan is unmistakable. They are His. He is their protector.

And this theme is repeated again and again in the Bible:

“He [that is God] executes justice for the fatherless and the widow…” Deut 10:18

“… the fatherless, and the widow, who are within your towns, shall come and eat and be filled…” - Deut 14:29

In Deuteronomy 24:19 He said “When you reap your harvest in your field and have forgotten a sheaf in the field, you shall not go back and get it; it shall be for the alien, for the orphan and for the widow…”

“Cursed be anyone who perverts justice due to the sojourner, the fatherless and the widow”- Deut 27:19

“Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in His holy habitation…” Psalm 68:5

“Learn to seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless and plead the widow’s cause” – Isaiah 1:17

“But You do see, for You note mischief and vexation, that You may take it into Your hand; to you the helpless commits himself; you have been the helper of the fatherless …” Psalm 10:14

“The LORD… upholds the widow and the fatherless…” Psalm 146:9

It is really remarkable that God so particularly protected the orphans and widows in Israel. The nations around about the Israelites scorned the weak and ignored the inferior. Those who didn’t have power, wealth or position were expected to serve those who did. The vulnerable were scorned and ignored.

Yet in Israel, things were different. God reached out and said “No, do not touch, for they are mine”.

In this, God shows us that He loves the vulnerable, the weak and the inferior. Unlike us who value strength, independence and might, God shows love to those who have nothing in themselves to offer.

James reminds us that “Listen my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom…?” –James 2:5

Paul says “But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to shame the things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of the Lord…” – I Corinthians 1:27-29.

What does this show us about our God? It shows His mercy, His love, His grace… and leaves us with nothing more to say but “Hallelujah!”

But there is more for us to learn… for God tells us why we are to look after the orphans and widows…

He says “You shall remember that you were slave in the land of Egypt; therefore I am commanding you do this thing…” – Deuteronomy 24:17

The Israelites had been there, done that – they’d been vulnerable, week and inferior… yet God had lifted them out of that situation, redeemed them and given them a glorious future.

And this if for us too. Without God, we are orphans – with no Father who looks out for us, cares for us and governs world events for our good. Without God we are widows – alone, vulnerable and needing the Bridegroom to come and redeem and protect us. Without God we'd have no future, no hope…

And yet God has chosen us… we now have a Father, we have a Bridegroom… we have a future and a hope (see Jer 29:11).

So in summary of my musings, the first qualification for true religion goes much deeper then the following of religious rituals, spouting theological doctrines and attending church on Sundays.

No, those with true religion understand. They understand who they were, who God is and what they have now become. They understand that in themselves they have nothing to offer, nothing at all that God would desire in them… and daily they experience God’s grace in their lives and seek to live out of that grace. They are not swayed by wealth, power, position or things that man values, but have time for the poor, the lowly and the vulnerable in society. God’s love lives in their hearts.

May the Holy Spirit fill our hearts and help us strive after this true religion.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why me?

I heard this tonight - it really is beautiful....

Relax and listen, really listen to this, yes the whole thing, I know it's 10 minutes, but it 10 minutes well worth your time.

"Our Father and Our God,
Please forgive us when we presume upon your grace
Let us understand the graciousness of that grace
that we might move from life to life, from faith to faith and from grace to grace.
That we might understand that we are saved by grace through faith
and even that faith is not of ourselves, but is of You, so that it is not of him who chooses, of him who runs, or him who will but of Thee who shows us mercy

Amen and Amen.

"If we experience God's grace once, we're grateful; if we experience it a second time, we're a little bit jaded... by the third time, not only do we expect it but we demand it. We harbour in our souls the idea that if God doesn't choose me then there's something wrong with Him, rather than with me. God reserves for Himself the Absolute sovereign right to pardon whom He will and the rest He gives justice. Not one person in this universe deserves the grace of God, and if you think you deserve the grace of God, then the minute that idea comes into your head that grace is something that God is obliged to give you, let a bell go off in your brain that tells you that you are no longer thinking about grace. For grace by definition is something that God is not required to give. That is the mystery of election. Why doesn't God give all people equal grace? Why isn't God an equal-opportunity redeemer? Question you want to be asking is - Why me? why did he bring me out of darkness and in the light? think of your own conversion and how God in His grace rescued you... by a grace that is sovereign."

May these words always be in our hearts.

Friday, August 5, 2011

yup, blogging on a friday again

Ok, it seems that it's always Friday nights that I blog :) (we're on a 3-week run now), but i spose that's because my minds always full of what I've been doing in the past week, what we've discussed at youth club and what my plans are for the next week......

so my musings for the week:

#1:  PRAC!! was amazing! loved it! by the end of it I had achieved my stated aim of ordering 4 patients around at a time.... yay!! luv you all my patients!! you were so kind and understanding with me... there was this one young dude - patient A - (about 25yo), who didn't realise until today I was a student (he told me "I would never have guessed", yup patients DO NOT read name badges and uniforms, all they see is the fob watch and the white blouse) and then all of a sudden everything when he realised I was a student, he made fun of everything I did...he kept going 'ouch, ouch' every time I gave him a needle, when I changed his dressing, even when I did his blood pressure... and kept asking me if I was sure of what I was saying)...  and the guy sharing his room (~30 years old) kept threatening to push the Medical Emergency call button whenever I was doing something to patient A... i was literally just about crying with laughter... Absolutely loving, Loving, LOVING the nursing at the moment! I've never felt so sure that I'm on the right track with my studies. Only a year to go!

#2:  INTERVIEW - umm yeah, so I got rung up today and asked to come for an interview with PMH on 15th August..... wow!! I'm blown away, I so thought I wasn't getting one as everybody else had heard from the other hospitals if they had an interview.... but yeah, apparently they were just a little behind on the paperwork, so yep, now I just have to prepare my professional CV! and prepare for a 15-minute grilling interview.... *gulp*

#3: ROMANS 7 - what an amazing chapter to reflect on our own innate sinfulness.... there is Paul, author of 13 books of the Bible, telling us of his own personal struggles and frustrations in overcoming sin... how true it is for my own life. I pray to God that He will give me the TRUE desire to overcome my sin, so often I'm just so comfortable in the same patterns and ruts of sin and life. As Paul puts it - "Who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!"

 What a wonderful God we have!!

Goodnight all my blogreaders!!! xx