It is more than just the body's rhythms of breathing in-and-out, the mechanical pump of the heart pushing blood around the body and the electrical impulses travelling through the brain reporting sensory information and stimulating motor function ... A person who is hooked up to a ventilator machine experiences these same bodily functions and yet is not experiencing 'life' in the true sense of the term...
Sure, I'll grant that legally 'life' is classed by these functions... one who is not experiencing these is rightly classed as 'dead'. But yet, life is more than our biological drive to provide oxygen and nutrients to the body.
Life contains so many spheres - physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual and social... Just think of those five spheres in your life at the moment, and you can probably list a myriad of adjectives to describe your current state in each of these spheres. You may be feeling physically on-top-of-the-world but spiritually distant. You may be feeling emotionally volatile and at the same time struggling to maintain your social relationships. These spheres may operate independently or be intrinsically linked. To go back to my days with Applicable mathematics, I can't help thinking about the appropriateness of the Venn diagram in demonstrating the separate and yet linked nature of these spheres in our life. Life is fully experienced through the junction of these five spheres.

Only because the Son of God came to give His Life, do we continue to rise every day to a new day, we breath in air, our hearts pump in our bodies, we experience emotions, we talk to our friends, we go to work and we may serve God.
At times, life is tough. It can be hard and it can be sad. Sin and it's consequences continue to destroy the perfect bliss we once experienced in the Garden. And yet God promises to heal our broken hearts and bind up our wounds and promises to restore us to the blessedness of an eternally perfect life! What a promise!
What a life we have to look forward to! Praise be to God alone.
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