
Monday, August 29, 2011

Our Father

One of the greatest privileges of being a Christian is to call the almighty Creator God of the Universe, Father

I was reading "The Practice of Godliness" (Jerry Bridges) and a particular sentence that struck me was : the "most serious sin today may be the flippant approach to God in our prayers" (p.22 for those who are interested)...

This really struck me, because a couple of weeks ago I was listening to a sermon in preparation for writing my intro and I came across the same thought...

We don't disparage the idea that we can use this close, affectionate term "Abba", or "Daddy" or "Father" for God.... however sometimes we may become so used to using these familiar, intimate terms that we may begin to use them in a childish or frivolous way.... Just because we now may call God "Father" does not give us the right to enter his presence presumptously or arrogantly. 

Extensive research has shown, that though there were hundreds of 'approved' names for God, the Jewish people abhorred the notion of calling God "Father" in their prayers. The first occurrence of a Jewish prayer, addressing God directly as "Father" was in the 10th century AD in Italy, and even then had a Christian influence....

One of the most radical ideas that Jesus claimed, was his special claim to have intimacy with the Father. (see John  10:30ff).. Over and over again Jesus referred to God as His Father.  This enraged the Pharisees. They took that to mean Jesus claimed to be equal with God. In every recorded prayer of Jesus in the NT, except one, Jesus calls God "Father". 

That is so common to us, that sometimes we read over it and miss it's significance. The radical nature of Jesus claim becomes lost to us. No Jewish person in Jesus day would have dared even thought of addressing God as "Father". But Jesus did it every time He prayed. 

And then when the disciples ask Him to teach them how to pray, Jesus says... When you pray, pray like this: "Our Father". 

The unique privilege that Jesus had... as the only person in the whole world to have the right to address the God of Heaven and Earth as "My Father".... He gave that to you and me, so that we can call God "Father" as well, because He adopted us into His Family.

Unbelievable Grace!! That we could have the privilege of calling God, "our Father". 

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