
Friday, July 22, 2011

my musings on this 22nd day of july

Ok, so thoughts are flying around in my head, so  I will resort to points in order for you to somehow understand the muddled jumble in my head....

1. Ooops, it's been a while since I've posted- yup, for all who are interested, I'm feeling 100%better from my last post, no more tonsillitis!! yippee!! I did survive to tell the tale. Moral of the story: When you have tonsillitis, swirl 10mL of Listerine in your mouth, gargle etc for at least 30 seconds every two hours... and you''ll be sweet as....

2. Ok now that that pearl of wisdom is out of the way, my friends write such inspiring blog posts. kara and milly you are amazing!! Everytime I check my dashboard I really look forward to seeing stuff by you!! umm, so my posts are quite dull in comparison, but you know, if something inspiring comes up, then yes of course I will post :) well the thing is, something inspiring does come up, but i've usually forgotten it by the time I sit behind a computer....

3. I'm home alone... which is probably a really stupid thing to put up on the net but oh well, I'm housesitting at a undisclosed location.... and there are strange noises outside (which I think are just the neighbours saying goodbye to their visitors) and there are strange noises inside (which I'm pretty sure is the kitten....).... but I'm just saying, you never know.... and of course in the back of my mind is that horrific story of how a 61-yo woman who was house-sitting in karnup alone was threatened while some thugs stole from her house... yup, apparently they knocked on her door at 2.30am and asked to use the phone cause their tyre had come off their car.... so yeah, I'm thinking I'm housesitting, I'm alone, funny noises outside.... gthhhhh, let me think of something nicer to think about...

4. Evangelism Conference - yup I went to the evening session of the evangelism conference and enjoyed it thoroughly!! Professor de Visser was so well grounded and gave me some really important things to think about. Eg.

  • The church is there as a light in the world, but also as a mother of believers (i.e. her primary role is to feed and nurture God's children).... 
  • In the Lord's prayer we pray "Your kingdom come", and LD 48 of the Heidelberg Catechism includes in this petition the phrase "Preserve and Increase Your Church". The emphasis is on preserving and increasing. These two things must go hand-in-hand... increase without preserving leads to deformation, while preserving without increasing leads to stagnation.... 
  • As churches we do not need to become "less Dutch" or take actions such as change the worship service or psalms to make it more friendly for visitors.... but we must always strive to become "more Christian". Churches who are struggling with evangelism must not make a disproportionate attempt to boost the evangelism, RATHER, they must work at the root problem - the lack of the congregations strength of faith. By focussing on building up the faith of the congregation, they work on the root cause of the problem and allow evangelism to flow naturally.

5. so yes, just a few thoughts from the Prof.. interesting to ponder!! and the last thought on my mind that I can remember at the moment is I'm tired. Reallly I'm going to turn off my computer, and turn off my brain (I wish it were that easy!!).....


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