
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Goodbye Canada! Hello Australia!

so I'm home...!!!!!!  and as always there's a song for my mood right now...(even though its about america i find it kind of appropriate for my home too...)...

and so my time in Canada is over for this year!! and I already miss it. It is quite confronting to have your heart torn in two between two countries... it's like I live between two worlds... one my home country and the other the home country of my dear Benjamin.. in both I have family & friends who are dear to me... and yet these worlds will always exist side-by-side and never combined together.... but big sigh, I should stop feeling sorry for myself as I'm sure there are much worse problems in the world. and plus I'll be going back next year September... which doesn't actually solve any problems since then I'll be saying goodbye to Australia for at least A WHOLE YEAR!!! sniff sniff..... ok, that's really enough. Another way to look at it is that unlike millions around the globe who suffer in their homelands, I have not one but TWO amazing countries where I can call home and can live in freedom and prosperity and comfort with loved ones nearby. God's blessings are rich indeed!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Canada.... so far....

So two weeks into it!!! My time here is nearly 1/3 of the way over and I can't believe it!!! I've had so much fun and it feels like I've been here forever... and a bit unreal that I'll be going home in another 4 weeks....eeeek..... though of course I miss you all and a little tear even came to my eye the other night (just a little one mind) when I thought of how far away you all are and how someday I might have to live with that reality... though of course that's all far in the future and there's no point worrying about what may be or may not be... 

so maybe the tear was more to do with the fact that I only had 4 hours sleep the night before due to a late night (1am) for Rosanne's graduation and then an early morning (5am) to go trucking to Edmonton.... after which of course I hit the mall with my beloved and got to shoot a 9mm Glock pistol at the shooting range... guess who's idea that was... haha but it was fun.... though I have no particular desire to ever own a pistol.... it was a little too much power for me... though of course the beloved has other ideas... so my challenge is now to convince him that life will continue without owning a pistol..... hmmm.... 

and yesterday was canada day so today we had a public holiday and had a community bbq breakfast with pancakes, bacon and sausages and lots of coffee (no eggs or bread... that was slightly weird... or tea actually - Canadians don't believe in tea it seems...) and then a church picnic for lunch which was a lot of fun... played ultimate frisbee (which I was pathetic at), soccer (which I was reasonably able at) and then baseball (which I conceded defeat at and sat out and didn't try....)... weird game I tell you!!!! and then of course when we got home guess what we had to do...... yup you guessed dear benjamin wanted to shoot his gun, so I had a couple of shots too.... which actually I forgot to say I killed two magpies on saturday cause we went magpie hunting- so I have officially killed with a gun... not something I'm particularly proud of... it was kinda sad actually cause I killed two poor little baby magpies and then the whole magpie colony from 5km about was in mourning for the rest of the afternoon... squawking and such like... well Dave killed one too and Ben killed one PLUS the mother... so we pretty much wiped out an entire family... which at least I guess we didn't leave one alone all by itself right??!!?? I mean if someone came and wiped out my entire family I'd probably want to be dead i guess it was kind of an act of mercy... not. 

anyway I've put up some pictures on facebook...which for some reason their only on my wall not on posted up on the general news feed i think so you may not have seen them (and yes I too am a little concerned - as I'm sure you are - about the frequency of the appearance of guns in the photo's...mmmm slightly worrying).........but here are some more... without guns.  

Me eating comfort food all alone in Sydney airport... just as well i had interesting mail to keep me entertained :) (thanks @camille, @carla, @benjamin)

photographic evidence - frootloops at 10:13pm... disgusting.
SNOW!!! in summer!!! aka known as fluff from the poplar trees....

and that's all from me for now...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

coz it's been a while....


so before you start press play on this clip and listen to this song while you read my ramblings.... 

it quite adequately depicts my current mood... the deep sense of anticipation and nerves prior to my whole life changing forever (finishing work, leaving for Canada alone, returning to start a new job) , the clock ticking away (only 2 days till I abandon my family for a month and a half to go visit my crazy boyfriend on the other side of the world....) and yet the sweet swelling tones of hope and joy that these changes are bringing to my life...and then the abrupt end showing the finality of the unknown future. 

and so let us continue as to the real reason of this post.... yep I'm sorry... it's been a little long since I've bashed out my thoughts and concerns on here... but I'll kindly thank you to take it a sign of my dedication and commitment to my studies... obviously.

So now... studies are over... well one exam left on Thursday morning.... that I've spent a grand total of 3hrs studying for yesterday. Umm... I'm sure it'll be ok... besides there is so much more important things to think about.... 

like cheesecake for my last day at FairHaven tomorrow!!! 

(Which this one... though found on google... looks exactly like the one I've just made... promise you!! just trying to make you jealous.... Kara I tell you you're missing out on something.....)

and Mum & Dad who are sick and hence the reason why I just made a macaroni bake..... 

(which mine looks heaps better than this one cause it has WAY more veggies, + of course it has spiral macaroni which is an absolute necessity for a good macaroni....actually soft shells are alright too)

and of course Canada.... and my dearly beloved who lives there with his family..... and to think about what to pack!!! sadly I've finally come to the conclusion that it is fairly impossible for me to take my entire winter & summer wardrobes as necessary as I feel it is.... so here is the current situation as it stands.... notice the Australian supplies... I am not going unarmed into an unknown situation... though I'm fairly sure the customs people may percieve that I own to a belief that food isn't available in Canada...which of course is untrue.... just that food of necessity is rare in nature... actually none of it's for me... it's all requests from people who have been living in deprivation... but back to the point being that i'm fairly unsure of the weather there... i mean look at the side-by-side comparison....

yup... what to take.... need for a jacket?? (I mean come on max 13 degrees on Friday the day I arrive there...).... mmmmhhmmm... just as well there's still 2 days to think about this :)

and that's about all for the moment I think. Take care peoples and I shall endeavour to keep you updated on my adventures in Canada...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Utter pointless update on my life

Ok so peer pressure has pretty much pushed me into writing this post.... seriously.... both of the serious bloggers in my life have posted today... one has even posted twice... and since at this moment I'm sandwiched between them on the couch, all behind our mighty Macbook pro's.... there is really no other option but to follow suit and share my thoughts with the world which is no doubt waiting with bated breath to hear what amazing words of wisdom are about to flow forth from my fingers after months of silence.....

and unfortunately I have to say that there is no great pearls of wisdom to flow forth... only approximately 7/16 of my brain is currently available for random access memory, meaning brain power is significantly reduced and pearls of wisdom are few and far between at this stage of the game...

but of course, I could always just bore you all with the reasons why 9/16 of my brain is unavailable for usage at this stage.....

#1 - the love of my life has departed for Canada........ which is pretty devastating I can tell you... well I cried a bit on Monday and Tuesday but thought I was doing pretty well today... until I managed to leave my wallet at home when I went out shopping (and didn't realise until I was sitting in the carpark...), I went to go shopping for eggs and returned with everything BUT eggs, I forgot to put the bins out for rubbish collection, I nearly forgot to feed the cat, and I managed to feel crazy busy and yet do absolutely nothing all day despite having goals set out that I was going to accomplish... which is mainly due to the fact that my poor brain is doing useless pointless looping.... which for the uninformed is a word I made up to describe a repetitious train of thought... which is taking up a good 7/16 of my brain..... hopefully I can reclaim some of that brainspace soon... or I'm gonna go CRAZY!!!

#2 - exhausting 12hr prac shifts where nothing EVER happens (touch wood)... well maybe Ctrl+Z that "touch wood" comment... it would actually be nice if something would actually happen..... but anyway those which have successfully killed the remaining 2/16 of my brain that is not being utilised....

and now I have to fly cause I've got a hot skype date happening very soon... :) and hopefully it clears up some of the problems caused by #1.... so hopefully the next time I blog I might actually have something worth sharing to write about....

good night all my avid readers.... lekke slaapen.... 


Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Ok, so welcome to 2012... and by my calculations we're ready 1/8 of the way through the year.... scary stuff!!!

Actually I'm kinda glad to be in 2012... there's something so much cooler about 2012 over 2011... don't you think?? maybe it's cause "12" is an even number... and really let's face it, sorry number 11, but it really is a pretty ugly, awkward number...

And plus it's going to be an AMAZING year... I can just feel it... well it's been pretty amazing so far... no guesses why eh?? :) lol.   But not only that, I'm finishing uni!! revisiting Canada!! starting my new job!!

In fact it's gonna be such an awesome year I wish it was over already so I could look back on it and know what all happens and how I cope with my whole life changing... yup, you guessed it, I'm a control freak... but in my defence I'm pretty sure 2012 is going to totally change my life on so many different levels...

So I guess I have to set some New Years here they are:

  1. survive the last 6 months of uni...
  2. have the awesomest practical experience ever at PMH!
  3. learn to love Canada to some degree... ;)
  4. be the awesomest new grad nurse ever!!
  5. try to not fall over so much
  6. try not to lose things so much (particularly my mobile, which is lost at the moment actually :( )
  7. try not to forget things
  8. try not to break too many rules
and I think that's pretty much it... so everyone I hope you have an amazing and exciting 2012 and that God surrounds us all with His love and care... for no matter what this year brings for any of us, it is guided by Him for our greater good!!