and unfortunately I have to say that there is no great pearls of wisdom to flow forth... only approximately 7/16 of my brain is currently available for random access memory, meaning brain power is significantly reduced and pearls of wisdom are few and far between at this stage of the game...
but of course, I could always just bore you all with the reasons why 9/16 of my brain is unavailable for usage at this stage.....
#1 - the love of my life has departed for Canada........ which is pretty devastating I can tell you... well I cried a bit on Monday and Tuesday but thought I was doing pretty well today... until I managed to leave my wallet at home when I went out shopping (and didn't realise until I was sitting in the carpark...), I went to go shopping for eggs and returned with everything BUT eggs, I forgot to put the bins out for rubbish collection, I nearly forgot to feed the cat, and I managed to feel crazy busy and yet do absolutely nothing all day despite having goals set out that I was going to accomplish... which is mainly due to the fact that my poor brain is doing useless pointless looping.... which for the uninformed is a word I made up to describe a repetitious train of thought... which is taking up a good 7/16 of my brain..... hopefully I can reclaim some of that brainspace soon... or I'm gonna go CRAZY!!!
#2 - exhausting 12hr prac shifts where nothing EVER happens (touch wood)... well maybe Ctrl+Z that "touch wood" comment... it would actually be nice if something would actually happen..... but anyway those which have successfully killed the remaining 2/16 of my brain that is not being utilised....
and now I have to fly cause I've got a hot skype date happening very soon... :) and hopefully it clears up some of the problems caused by #1.... so hopefully the next time I blog I might actually have something worth sharing to write about....
good night all my avid readers.... lekke slaapen....
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