
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why me?

I heard this tonight - it really is beautiful....

Relax and listen, really listen to this, yes the whole thing, I know it's 10 minutes, but it 10 minutes well worth your time.

"Our Father and Our God,
Please forgive us when we presume upon your grace
Let us understand the graciousness of that grace
that we might move from life to life, from faith to faith and from grace to grace.
That we might understand that we are saved by grace through faith
and even that faith is not of ourselves, but is of You, so that it is not of him who chooses, of him who runs, or him who will but of Thee who shows us mercy

Amen and Amen.

"If we experience God's grace once, we're grateful; if we experience it a second time, we're a little bit jaded... by the third time, not only do we expect it but we demand it. We harbour in our souls the idea that if God doesn't choose me then there's something wrong with Him, rather than with me. God reserves for Himself the Absolute sovereign right to pardon whom He will and the rest He gives justice. Not one person in this universe deserves the grace of God, and if you think you deserve the grace of God, then the minute that idea comes into your head that grace is something that God is obliged to give you, let a bell go off in your brain that tells you that you are no longer thinking about grace. For grace by definition is something that God is not required to give. That is the mystery of election. Why doesn't God give all people equal grace? Why isn't God an equal-opportunity redeemer? Question you want to be asking is - Why me? why did he bring me out of darkness and in the light? think of your own conversion and how God in His grace rescued you... by a grace that is sovereign."

May these words always be in our hearts.

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